Prodromal Labor Causes : Definition, Symptoms, And Treatment

Prodromal Labor : Definition, Symptoms, and Causes and Treatment

Prodromal Labor Causes : Definition, Symptoms, and Treatment : As an expectant mother, sometimes you might suddenly feel a tightening or contraction in your lower belly that feels like you want to go into labor. However, feeling a tightening or contraction doesn’t always mean that you indeed want to have a baby. The feeling of labor you’re having might not be a real labor just yet.

What is Prodromal Labor?

Prodromal labor is labor that starts and stops. Prodromal labor is often called false labor or pre-labor. It often occurs before the real labor occurs.

During prodromal labor, the uterus actually contracts but the contractions don’t actually cause any changes in the cervix or lead to real labor. The contractions come and go.

Some expectant mothers often mistake prodromal labor for real labor. They may even go to the hospital thinking real labor has begun. However, for a pregnant woman to experience a real labor, the woman’s cervix must actually change by opening up or thinning out.

Prodromal labor contractions often come and go around the same time each day and follows similar patterns.

Prodromal labor is very common and a lot of pregnant women, especially first-time expectant mothers, experience it. Prodromal labor can start days, weeks, or even a month or more before the actual labor begins.

Though prodromal labor may feel like it’s time for the baby to come out, it is not an indication for induction or cesarean delivery.

Prodromal labor happens in pregnant women that are at least 37 weeks pregnant and tend to occur completely. A pregnant woman might experience prodromal labor with one pregnancy and not experience it in the next pregnancy.

Prodromal labor tends to commonly occur after a long day, when a woman has been very active, or standing on her feet for a long period of time.

Read more about Prodromal Labor Causes : Definition, Symptoms, And Treatment

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