Oxygen Masks Benefits Vs Non Rebreather Mask Benefits

Oxygen masks benefits vs non rebreather mask benefits

Oxygen masks benefits vs non rebreather mask benefits : Oxygen masks are the medical device. It is used in Oxygen therapy. This medical device is suggested for patients who are struggling to breathe on their own. Mostly the patients of Hypoxemia and Hypoxia are given oxygen therapy. Various oxygen masks like non-breather mask, simple face mask and nasal cannula.

Simple face mask

Simple face mask is also a medical device. It is used in oxygen therapy. It is designed to deliver low to moderate level of oxygen supply. It is capable to deliver 40 to 60% of oxygen supply. The flow rate is also 6-10 liters per minute.

When simple face mask is used?

Simple face mask is used when the patient is able to breathe on his/her own. Patients who are having chest pain, done mild surgeries, suffocation and palpitation need this simple face mask.

Read more about Oxygen Masks Benefits Vs Non Rebreather Mask Benefits

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