Red Man Syndrome : Symptoms , Causes And Treatments

Red man syndrome : Symptoms , Causes and Treatments

Red man syndrome, also referred to as red neck syndrome is an adverse reaction, response or hypersensitive reaction to the drug Vancomycin

It is called “Red man or red neck syndrome” because it results in red rashes that usually develop on the face, neck, and torso.

Vancomycin is an antibiotic often prescribed for the treatment of serious bacterial infections, including those caused by methicillin-resistant staphylococci.

Vancomycin is commonly given to patients that are allergic to other types of antibiotics, such as penicillin and cephalosporins.

Red man syndrome occurs in about 5 to 13% of patients who take vancomycin.

Studies of vancomycin show that the most severe reactions occur in younger people who are below the age of 40. Severe reactions also occur mostly in children.

Symptoms of red man syndrome

Red man syndrome is not an allergic reaction but symptoms are similar to an allergic reaction.

The most common symptom of red man syndrome is intense red rashes that appear on the face, neck, and upper body.

The rashes usually occur during or after vancomycin has been taken. The rashes can appear within 10 to 30 minutes of vancomycin treatment.

The rashes may also be delayed reactions in some people who have been receiving vancomycin treatment for several days.

Discomfort and sensations of burning and itching are other common symptoms that may occur.

The face, eyes, and lips can become swollen.

After about 6 days of developing red man syndrome, the skin can become thicken and start to peel off. This is mostly experienced on the palms and soles of the feet.

Red man syndrome can also affect the scalp and can result in hair loss. In some severe cases, the nails can become ridged and start to fall off.

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